Friday, August 10, 2012



Ok so I know that I have not talked much about family which is an essential part of life.  You see I love my family and would be no where without them.  So I wish to talk about what family means to me and how it affects my life and how it can affect yours…

Family means to me…

During my life I have been confused on who my family was.  Growing up I knew them to be those that raised me.  And then there was a point in my life when I lost that feeling of love that I had from my family.  I felt alone and lost in the dark.  I was afraid to ask for help, because I feared that others in my family would laugh at me.  I also feared that my family couldn’t help me.  I seemed to have drifted away from my family as the days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and so on.  And then one day a person that I didn’t know very well.  Came up to me and somehow I felt that love that I once lost.  And I thought that it only could come from family that was the closest of them all.  But I was wrong.  This person helped me understand that.  Family is everywhere.  You just have to open your heart and let them in.  After learning a whole new meaning to family I then was never lost again.  My family was still my family but with additions and that are my friends.  They have affected my life for the best and I know that if that person didn’t show up in my life; my life would have ended there.  I have served as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and have made more friends who I count as my brothers and sisters. I think that there are going to be greater additions to my family throughout my life.  Now I am in the United States Army and have been deployed and well I can say that my brothers at war are now part of my family and it seems as though my family has become so much bigger throughout life and I would not change that for anything.

Now here is how it can affect yours…well if you have not yet learned it from reading the above statement then reread it again and apply it to yourself.  Family can be anyone that you cherish or love and it also can be people that you met yesterday, today or are going to meet in the future.  You just have to let them in.  And there is one thing you can do and that is not be like me.  Ask for that help.  Don’t wait for anyone.  Cause you are the one holding yourself back.  I hope that whoever is reading this can accept that my love for you is more than you know.  And I, myself count you as my brother or sister. 

Under God’s eyes we are all one big family and we must realize that.  We are all created in His image.  We are all brothers and sisters.  So we all must learn to share that love we have for each other.  Sure some of us are at war but we still need to look past the hate and see the love that we need to share with each other.  In my family we have a saying “Aiga Muamua” and this is in the language of Samoa.  It means “Family First” and I know that if we put our family first then our lives will only end with happiness.  So when you pass someone who is in need of help or is having a bad day or just looks down then remember “Family First” and be that brother or sister and provide that help or love that the person needs.  I promise that you won’t regret it.  Well hope you have enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it for you.

Fotu S. Taeoalii

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